Monday, March 28, 2011

Before it is too late!

In the midst of the events and battles of the Great Sedition, “Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib" was asked: Could Talha, Zubair and  Aisha bint Abu Bakr meet on a falsehood? 
His response was succinct summary that "you cannot judge the
correctness by men acts, but men can be judged by their correct acts" 
Golden rule laid down by the man who talked about the conflict between him and some of  Prophet Muhammad  companions, which ultimately led to the death of Talha and Zubair. 

It is sad that we see now those who are lending an artificial sanctity toward some people who do not have any real religious values ​​of any kind. 
During last 30 years some pretending figures assumed it is time to claim false positions, during which they performed the roles of legislators and religious thinkers. Ignorant and even educated people, who are without real cultural background flashed funny titles on some of them. We turned into hear about Sheikh Hassan "may God bless him" and Salafist Yacob Hussein "may God protect him"!! The media and the press went along with this entire wave, and instead of playing its enlightenment role, they decided to keep pace with the whims of these groups, letting them occupy the top headlines. 

Obviously, Islamic civilization has contributed decisively in the march of human progress, and we can say with satisfaction that the dominant Western civilization is, in fact the rightful heir to the Islamic philosophies and science. But sadly, some of these plaintiffs’ acts actually abused Islam.

Recently, there has been much talk about the second article of the  inactivated Egyptian Constitution, which states: "Islam is the state religion and Arabic the official language, and the principles of Islamic Sharia is the main source of legislation" 
Indeed, the major drawback of this article and the disadvantages is not specifically with regard to “Sharia”. The major disadvantage is to say that Islam is a religion of the state, the state is significant figurative object has no religion. 
To say that the state religion is Islam is like saying that this building is a Muslim, and that one is a Christian. It is true that it can be said that most of the residents or all of the residents of this building of the Muslim population and that most or all of the residents of that building are Christians. And if it was necessary to have the text, it should read: "Egypt is a nation owes most of its inhabitants to Islam," a characterization is essential to the reality, which no one would deny. The section on Islamic law should be "Islamic Sharia is a major source of legislation". By removing the definition tool “the” that implies the existence of other sources of legislation, which does not contradict but rather join with the realities of Islamic thought.

“Sharia” in accordance with the religious concept of Islam is a beacon for the way of life and the principles that God want people to commit themselves to them while they are in the process of reconstruction of the Earth according to the God’s will. Since God has put general rules, thinkers and Islamic philosophers plied the development of various Laws governing the application of this Sharia law. All of that started since the early times of Islam. With the expansion of the Islamic state and their interface with new countries and cultures, the adoption of new laws was necessary to keep pace with the needs and dilemmas that are not dealt with by Islam in its infancy. 

Thus arose the various schools of Islamic jurisprudence ( Fiqh ) in Islamic history. Muslims believe Sharia is God's law, but they differ as to what exactly it entails. Differed between the visions of several doctrines, some put intellect ('aql) as access to the Sharia like Muʿtazilah and Shi’a. Other used the Quran and Sunnah, and a third above qiyas — various forms of reasoning, including analogy, to derive law from the essence of divine principles and preceding rulings. Various Sunni schools of thought have emerged which, amounting to hundreds, and ended up into the major schools of Sunni Fiqh, which include the Hanafi, Shafi'i, Maliki and Hanbali. Shi’a schools of Islamic jurisprudence appeared different and varied in its vision of the laws and characterized by its continuity. Meanwhile, the Sunni Muslims closed paths to any new interpretation, thinking or creating new schools in (Fiqh) hundreds of years ago, satisfied with what have already reached, by the four main imams!

Perhaps the famous saying of the Sunni Imam Shafi’i  "my doctrine correctness could be wrong, and the view of other's is wrong could be right," clearly illustrates the lack of any sanctity of these attempts to the interpretation of Sharia.

What met by the vast majority of scholars and clerics from different backgrounds is the so-called Objectives of “Sharia”, a five: 
Preserve of religion. (Some scholars define it as civilization)
Preserve of the human life.
Preserve of human intellect mind. 
Preserve of Mankind.
Preserve of properties.

This is simply the purposes of Islamic law, according to which the protection of the beliefs of all human beings and their inherent right to believe what they want. Must also preserve and protect the human beings from any abuse or intimidation. It is regrettable that we can see now groups call for burning the Baha'is, in the name of Islam or the name of any religion. 
Preserving the mind is of the top priorities of the Islamic law, and signs of incitement to the use of mind and thinking in the Quran, are too numerous to list. Indeed, some schools of Islamic jurisprudence have put the mind in the first rank of access to the fact that the man can reach law of God and nature, just by thinking and instinct.  
Serving Mankind and ensure the continuality of human kind is the basic task for the continuation of Earth reconstruction. 
Related to this reverence for the human right to preserve the wealth of any abuse, theft or threat, regardless of religion, race or color. 

This is what agreed upon as principles of Shari'a, although there are different methods, laws and doctrines of jurisprudence. 

Those who exploit Islam as a way to gain access to personal or political purposes are actually abusing this great religion and its principles. 
The spread of intolerance, ignorance and narrow-mindedness in Egypt, widely prevalent in the recent period, and the response should not be half-solutions, or overlooked. The solution is statement the reality of this religion.

Islam invites us to meditate day and night, thinking, and using our mind to judge everything in the Universe. 
It is a full of principles on justice, consultation and equality. 

This revolution is the modern Egyptian revolution against the corruption, fraud, and falsehood...
we have to be completely aware and extremely careful
otherwise, those groups may steal it 
in the name of religion!! 

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